POTION’S ELEVEN is a top-down heist game where you play from the perspective of CAMELOT, a seer with clairvoyant vision. execute the perfect heist using a gathered crew of talented individuals,  to finally create the philosopher’s stone. 

Stick to the shadows and avoid enemies as you find your way to your mission objective and back to the exit all while flinging warp potions and liquid shadow to keep enemies off your back.

This game was made for the Pirate Software Gamejam #15 with the theme "shadows and alchemy". 

Game design document: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ZmxkGsw_hJN_dJkmglRsS8vJSY4DusIT5ATc4JEw6sQ/...

Authorsrobbplo, Jonsewi
Average sessionA few minutes


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this absolutely oozes with style oh my goodness?? love the stealth type gameplay, though I think some maps are a little overwhelming to navigate with their size. would love to see this get expanded I genuinely adore this

Thank you for the kind words, glad you liked it!